Heidi Montag Beautiful Girls with Sweet Flowers

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Heidi Montag was born on September 15, 1986, to restaurant owners in Crested Butte, Colorado, the second of three children. Out of high school, she says she studied fashion in Italy for a year before moving to San Francisco to attend the Academy of Art.

Anne Hathaway Entertainment Weekly's Successor

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With only a handful of films under her slender belt, Anne Hathaway quickly established herself as a natural successor to such famed leading ladies as Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts. Growing up in New Jersey, Anne Hathaway spent much of her spare time perfecting her abilities as an actress.

Anne Jacqueline Hathaway The Princess Diaries Actresses

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Anne Jacqueline Hathaway was born on November 12, 1982, in Brooklyn, New York. From her 2001 role in The Princess Diaries to her 2008 appearance in Get Smart, it’s clear that Anne Hathaway is one of those actresses who improves as she ages.

Audrina Patridge Came on Maxim Magazine's Hot 100 List

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Audrina Patridge was born on May 9, 1985, in Los Angeles, California. In 2007, Audrina Patridge hosted various MTV segments in promotion of Legally Blond : The Musical, which featured Laura Bell Bundy and Nikki Snelson. Then, the following year, she came in at No. 74 on Maxim magazine's Hot 100 list.

Audrina Patridge TV "star" on MTV's The Hills

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Audrina Patridge is a reality TV "star" on MTV's The Hills, which has been on since 2006.

Audrina Patridge Sexy Brunette on MTV's Reality Show The Hills

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Audrina Patridge was born on May 9, 1985, in Los Angeles, California. She and her sister Casey grew up in an area called Downey and then moved to Hollywood. Audrina is best known as the sexy brunette on MTV's reality show The Hills.